Frater Perfumes Grand Launch

Benny Castles from WORLD gave a laudatory speech in which he exclaimed: "In just ten years, Frater Perfumes has done what many brands have taken 250 years to do!"

Champagne flowed while the guests sampled and experienced the array of twelve beautiful Frater fragrances. Elegant canapes were provided by the Canape Company and were customised to match the perfumes being launched. We had such delights as toffee apple doughnuts, lavosh with goats cheese and Doris plum, and pork belly with pineapple and ginger.

In attendence were local politicians including Wellington mayor Andy Foster (pictured on the right with Mr Frater) and a number of iconic Wellington brand owners and other public figures. Guests travelled from as far as Auckland and Christchurch.
Benny (WORLD, left) and Paul (Frater Perfumes).
Members of the Frater family.